Welcome to Bold Church, located in the heart of Silicon Valley, San Jose, CA. Our mission is to bring people who are far from God close to Him.
At Bold Church, we believe that everyone deserves to experience God's love and grace. We are a welcoming and inclusive community that embraces diversity. Whether you are new to faith or have been a believer for years, you are welcome here.
We are committed to living out the values of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to love God, love others, and share the good news of Jesus Christ.Â
Jesus is at the center of everything we do. We are Jesus people, not religious people.
Our heart is for all people. All people are loved by Jesus.
Trusting God to transform people, families and communities.
Excellence isn’t a destination but an attitude. We do the best with what we have. People are our priority. All people are loved by Jesus.
We joyfully submit to those God has placed over us and care for those God has placed under us.
Every leader is a servant first. From the parking lot to the pulpit —everyone serves.
We see generosity as a privilege. We’re generous with our time, talents and treasure.
We invite you to explore our beliefs and join us in our pursuit of living out our faith in boldness and passion.
There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These
three are coequal and coeternal (1 John 5:7; Genesis 1:26; Matthew 3:16-17, 28:19; Luke
1:35; Isaiah 9:6; Hebrews 3:7-11).
The Holy Bible, and only the Bible, is the authoritative, eternal Word of God. It alone is
the nal authority in determining all doctrinal truths. In its original writing, it is inspired,
infallible, and inerrant (2 Timothy 3:16, 17; Hebrews 4:12; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Proverbs 30:5;
Psalm 119:89, 160; Romans 16:25-26)
Jesus Christ is God the Son, the second person of the Trinity. On earth, Jesus was 100%
God and 100% man. He Is the only man ever to have lived a sinless life. He was born of a
virgin, performed miracles, died on the cross for mankind, and thus atoned for our sins
through the shedding of His blood. He rose from the dead on the third day according to
the Scriptures, ascended to the right hand of the Father, and will return again in power
and glory (John 1:1, 14, 20:28; 1 Timothy 3:16; Isaiah 9:6; Philippians 2:5-6; 1 Timothy 2:5).
We believe the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity. He is a distinct person from
the Father and the Son, God of God, sent by the Father to equip the Body of Christ with
grace for work. In all he does, he glories Christ. He works in the world to make all
people understand their need for Jesus Christ. He convicts the world of sin, regenerates
sinners, and in him they are baptized into union with Christ and adopted into the family of
God. The Holy Spirit is received at salvation, and assists us in our weaknesses by
enabling us to live victorious, bold, Christ-like lives (Jn. 14:16-26; Rom. 8:9, 26; Eph. 4:30; 1
Cor. 12:7-11; Heb. 10:29).
We believe that humankind was created in the image of God but voluntarily sinned when
tempted by Satan and fell short of God’s righteousness. Sin is willful transgression of the
law of God and deserves death. At the fall, humankind incurred physical death and
spiritual death, which is separation from God. All human beings are in union with Adam and are sinners by nature and by choice. Sin has alienated humankind from God and
subjected it to his wrath (Ge. 1:26, 27; 2:17; 3:6; Rom. 5:12-19).
Fallen humankind’s hope of redemption is only possible through the shed blood of Jesus
Christ and his work on the cross. Because of our sinful nature, the Bible teaches that man
cannot enter into heaven no matter how good of a life he may have lived. Jesus Christ
came to earth to take the punishment for the sin of all mankind. Our only hope for
salvation is faith in the truth that Jesus died for our sin and that he made a way for us to
gain the righteousness it takes to enter heaven. The redemption offered to humankind
through the work of Christ must be received by repentance toward God and faith in
Christ who shed his blood. Those who receive God’s offer of grace by faith are born
again, justified, regenerated, adopted into the family of God, made heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, led with the Holy Spirit, and are partakers of eternal life to come
(Genesis 3 Romans 3:10-23 Romans 6:23 Ephesians 2:8-9, John 3:3; Acts 4:12; Eph. 1:7;
Rom. 5:10; 8:14-17; 10:9-10; Titus 3:5-6).
We believe that the Church is the Body of Jesus Christ, who is its Head. The Church is
comprised of all those who have been justified by God’s grace through faith alone in
Christ alone. The Church is manifest in local churches, who’s membership should be only
believers. The Church is being built up and made into the Bride of Christ, fully matured
and presentable at Jesus’s Second Coming. We believe the Church is a pillar of truth to
the world because of the abiding story and presence of Jesus as mediated by the Holy
Spirit (Mt. 16:18; 1 Cor. 12:13; Rom. 5:1, 5; Eph. 1:22-23; 4:11-17; 5:27; Rev. 2-3).
• Water Baptism: Following faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the new convert is
commanded by the Word of God to be baptized in water in the Name of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:38; Mark 16:16; Acts 8:12, 36-38;
• The Lord’s Supper: A unique time of communion in the presence of God when the
elements of bread and grape juice (the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ) are
taken in remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross. Matthew 26:26-29; I Corinthians
10:16, 11:23-25
We believe in the personal, bodily, and glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ. At the
moment of his coming, which time is unknown, we will be caught up in the air,
transformed in glory, and brought back to the to the earth whereupon Christ will sit in
judgment, separate the wheat from the chaff, renew the earth, and reign as King forever.
We believe that God is creating a New Heavens and a New Earth where humans will
dwell forever with God. The imminent coming of Christ should inspire godly living and commitment to the mission of the Gospel (Isa. 65:17; Mt. 24:30; Acts 1:11; 1 Cor. 15:50-54; 1
Thess. 4:16-17; Rev. 19:11-22:21).
We believe that those who reject God’s offer of grace and forgiveness and are not found
in the book of Life will be raised and judged in the resurrection of the wicked and given
over to eternal conscious punishment in the Lake of Fire along with the devil and his
angels for all eternity (Mt. 25:46; Mark 9:43-48; Rev. 19:20; 20:11-15; 21:8).
We believe in the continuation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and that the charismata did
not cease after the Apostolic age. The purpose of the gifts is to equip the Church to carry
out its mission until Christ returns, as well as to be a foretaste of the life to come.
Believers should seek God in prayer for the gifts of the Spirit to operate in their own lives
and ministries and should not only agree to them theoretically but practice them
outwardly as the Spirit leads (Rom. 1:11; 1 Cor. 1:5, 7; 12:1, 31; 1 Cor. 14:12; 2 Tim. 1:6-7; Heb.
We believe God has ordained marriage and defined it as a covenant relationship
between one man, one woman, and himself. Hence, we only recognize marriage
between a biological man and a biological woman. As a result, the bold pastoral staff will
only participate in weddings and the solemnization of marriages between one man and
one woman (Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:4; Eph. 5:25; 1 Pet. 3:7).
We believe that from the beginning God created two separate and distinct biological
sexes: male and female. Moreover, we believe that Scripture does not permit any
difference between biological sex and gender identity or expression. Humankind has
been created by God and any attempt to misconstrue the difference between male/
female and/or biological sex/gender identity is an attempt to self-create and is a result of
sin and the fall. We also acknowledge that there are rare instances where people are
born with an indiscriminate biological sex. Yet, these cases do not involve an attempt to
self-create nor deny the dignity of how they were born (Gen. 1:26-27; Matt. 19:4; Mark
10:6-7; Psalm 139:14).
We believe that God loves all races of human beings equally and without preference or
favoritism. Racism, which is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual,
community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in
a particular racial or ethnic group, is evil and is the result of sin. We believe that the
authority for approaching racism is Scripture and, therefore, our approach to racism
centers around such. As a result, we reject Critical Race Theory (CRT) and other systems of thinking that insist on being the authority on racism and the resolution to it. (Mk 12:31;
Acts 17:26; Rom. 2:11;: Rev. 7:9-10; 2 Tim. 3:16-17).
We believe that all human life is valuable and sacred, and that human life and full
personhood begins at conception and continues until death. As stewards of life, we are
endowed by God with the responsibility to protect the worth and dignity of human beings
from the moment of conception until the moment of death. Therefore, we oppose taking
innocent life in all forms, including abortion and euthanasia. (Gen. 1:26-27; Job 31:15; Ps.
22:10; Ps. 127:3-5; Ps. 139:13-16; Jer. 1:5; Acts 17:25).
We are fully convinced that gender does not determine the ministry capacity people can receive
from God. Therefore, we rejoice when women as well as men move forward to lay hold of their
full inheritance in Christ. Scripture clearly emphasized the roles of preaching the gospel,
proclaiming healing, Holy Spirit empowerment, and the imminent return of Christ in both men and
women. While honoring and encouraging men and women serving in support areas, scripture
makes it clear that women should enjoy absolute equality with men in terms of preaching,
serving in church leadership, and fulfilling the Great Commission. (Mic. 6:4, Judg. 4:4-5; 5:31, 2
Kings 22:14-20, Est. 4:13-17, Joel 2:28-29; Acts: 2:17-18, Acts 1:14: 2:4)
We believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the incoming of the promised Comforter in
mighty and glorious fullness to endue the believer with power from on high; to glorify and exalt
the Lord Jesus; to give inspired utterance in witnessing of Him; to foster the spirit of prayer,
holiness, sobriety; to equip the individual and the Church for practical, efficient, joyous, Spiritlled soul-winning in the elds of life; and that this being still the dispensation of the Holy Spirit,
the believer may have every reason to expect His incoming to be after the same manner as that
in which He came upon Jew and Gentile alike in Bible days, and as recorded in the Word, that it
may be truly said of us as of the house of Cornelius: the Holy Ghost fell on them as on us at the
beginning. (Act 1:8, Jn.14:16,17)